Coach index
Business listing

Coaches index is here to help you build your clientele. Having a private custom blog on coaches index allows you to basically have a website that is already being marketed for you and gives you the ability to reach out and blog. With all Pro registrations I include a discounted private blog, and it comes with an e-book written by Chris Astuccio SEO Guru. It will teach you how to blog while driving in actual client building traffic. It will teach you the basic rules of writing online.

Step1 come up with an idea to write about

Step2 Do keyword research

Step3 write using those keywords

Step4 learn to use the blog functions to build links

Step5 Integrating videos into your blog

That all sounds very simple. But the real benefit will be the ones who utilize the information along with some of the other services offered like Social media marketing for your Master page, your blog, your articles. This website is run by an SEO guru and you will see nothing but benefits by creating a profile.

Business coaches