Coach index
Business listing

This form was create for as a way for you to update information found inside your listing

you can have a seperate short and full description for each category your listed in or have them all the same.

If you wish to change each send in a seperate for for each category(coach type), if you weant them all the same simply check off the button and they will all be changed

Example of where the short description is

Example of where the full description is

Changes can be made below

Listing Name:  

*Coach type:

All Listing the Same  

Please provide us with your best picture for your listing page(maximum width of 400pixels)


Youtube Video:  





Company information


Year founded:  



Add your Website below-requires linkback(opens in new window)

HTTP://- Do not add http://

Please type a short description(less then 250 words) of your skills

This section is highly recommended, or we will take a snipet from your full description


Please copy and paste your full descritpion below

this section is *REQUIRED (at least 400 words)

Extra images:  

Each listing includes a subscription to our newsletter, each newsletter has an opt out feature.

Additional options

Do you want to list your products on your page(Free w/ Business-Pro plans)  

Do you have Event you would like to advertise(Free w/business-Pro plans)  

Choose a Plan Here

A free listing is what you currently have and you will not be charged additionally or be required to link back from your home page as new free members would. You do have the option upgrading your

Select your plan:

One way Deep link- you can create one way links to your website- Each one way link costs $50

Text for the link

link to your website

Email Newsletter System- This is a powerful tool for anyone trying to market a business online, stop paying the high prices of the constant contacts, you can send newsletters as often as you like and any time day or night. A lot of companies restrict your ability to send newsletters to between 11pm and 6am, but this in effect makes them useless because studies show, when people wake up and log into their email they delete all the overnight junk mail without even looking at it.

If you have a current email list you can simply import the current list and begin sending rich html newsletters. Pricing is based on number of email address's in your account. You cannot, I repeat cannot use purchased lists. This is a double opt in system which is the most ethical form of newsletter system every email has the ability to remove the user from the system. You can have a signup form right on your Master page or blog

After submitting your listing, it will be reviewed, and upon acceptence you will be sent a paypal invoice

(you do not need a paypal account to make a payment through paypal)


Business coaches